Release 1.2.1

Release 1.2.1

Release Notes
April 18, 2023
Bask Developer Team
Welcome to our latest update! We've been working hard to bring you new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Here's a summary of what's new:
✨ Improvements:
  1. Notification messages now displayed to confirm resending emails on the patient details page
  1. Email customizer layout and templates have been updated. Enjoy a beautiful new UI and a load of email templates to play with for automatic email sending to your patients. Accessible via settings → notifications → click on a notification name → click customize email template. (This is a hidden feature, but very useful)
  1. Patient Archiving! Yes you can finally archive patients. This does not delete the data and patients can always be restored by contacting us. This just removes a patient and their orders from your dashboard, KPIs and metrics.
  1. The EMR & Doctor Portal have some cool new updates for how patient data is displayed.
  1. You can now host multiple questionnaires on a single root domain with your specified slug. {RootDomain}/start-online-visit/{Slug}
🆕 New Features:
  1. Introducing a handy date picker question type for questions that require a date as the response. This just allows for a smoother user experience.
  1. Restrict States: Now you can restrict states on 'The Basics' question type. If a patient enters a zip code in a restricted state they are not allowed to proceed. (This was a widely requested feature)
🔧 Bug Fixes:
  1. We've made general fixes and changes to enhance the overall performance.
  1. Resolved issues with the entry step, storefront modal, patient details, questionnaire table response, and more.
  1. Improved DB speed
🛠️ Maintenance: We've carried out essential maintenance tasks and resolved conflicts to ensure smooth performance.
We hope you enjoy these updates and improvements! As always, we're grateful for your support and feedback.